Food added in cart.


Repurpose Food Wastage

Repurposing food wastage refers to finding ways to use or reuse food that would otherwise be discarded, in order to reduce waste and make better use of resources.

Connect Restaurant with NGO

Connecting a restaurant with a non-governmental organization (NGO) refers to establishing a relationship between the two entities in order to achieve a shared goal to reduce food waste.


Equity refers to fairness and justice in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

Food Bridge

The goal of a food bridge is to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the food system, and to reduce food waste and hunger.

About Us

At our company, we are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to the problem of food waste through food sharing. With approximately one third of all food produced globally going to waste, it is a significant issue that has environmental, social, and economic consequences.

We believe that by working together and sharing excess food, we can make a real difference in reducing food waste and creating a more sustainable food system.

Our approach includes partnering with businesses and organizations to recover excess food and redistribute it to those in need, as well as working with communities and individuals to encourage food sharing and reduce waste at the household level. We also educate and raise awareness about the importance of food waste reduction and the benefits of food sharing.

We are passionate about our mission and believe that by working together and sharing excess food, we can create a future where food waste is significantly reduced and resources are used more efficiently. We invite you to join us in this important effort.

See Listed Food

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where food waste is significantly reduced and resources are used more efficiently through the power of food sharing. We envision a society where excess food is regularly recovered and redistributed to those in need, rather than being discarded, and where individuals and communities actively work to reduce food waste in their daily lives.

We believe that by fostering a culture of food sharing and waste reduction, we can create a more sustainable and equitable food system. This will not only benefit those who receive the shared food, but also the environment, as the production, transportation, and disposal of excess food places a significant burden on natural resources and contributes to climate change.

We are committed to working towards this vision through education, awareness campaigns, partnerships, and the development of new technologies and practices. We invite others to join us in this important effort and together, we can create a future where food waste is a thing of the past.

See Listed Food

Available Food Listings

These listings provide information on excess food available from various restaurants, which can be collected and distributed by NGOs.

No food is listed here.

How does it work?

Both restaurent and NGO has you register in this is a platform or website that allows both restaurants and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to register and potentially connect with each other.
Platform is designed to help restaurants and NGOs find each other and establish partnerships or collaborations, with the goal of achieving shared goals such as reducing food waste or providing meals to those in need.

  • Step 1


    The collaboration between the restaurant and NGO begins with the registration process, in which both entities must register on the platform.

  • Step 2

    Reserve The Pickup Slot

    Once registered, the restaurant can publish information about excess food and the time slots during which it is available for pickup. The NGO can then reserve a pickup slot in order to collect the excess food.

  • Step 3


    After reserving a pickup time slot, the NGO can collect the excess food from the restaurant.

  • Step 4

    Serve The Food

    After collecting the excess food from the restaurant, the NGO can distribute it to people in need, in order to provide meals and reduce hunger in the community.

Get In Touch

We'd be happy to connect and discuss how we can work together to address the issue of food waste.

Frequently Asked Questions

To register your restaurant on the platform, you will need to follow the steps provided by the platform. This may involve filling out an online form with your restaurant's details, such as its name, location, and contact information. You may also need to provide information about your restaurant's food safety practices and any relevant licenses or certifications. Once you have completed the registration process, you will typically be given access to the platform's features and tools, which may include the ability to publish information about excess food and pickup times.

To register your non-governmental organization (NGO) on the platform, you will need to follow the steps provided by the platform. This may involve filling out an online form with your NGO's details, such as its name, mission, and contact information. You may also need to provide information about your NGO's activities and any relevant licenses or certifications. Once you have completed the registration process, you will typically be given access to the platform's features and tools, which may include the ability to search for and reserve excess food from registered restaurants.

To publish information about excess food and pickup times, you will need to log in to your account on the platform and follow the steps provided by the platform. This may involve filling out an online form or using a designated tool to input details such as the type and quantity of excess food available, the pickup location, and the available pickup times. You may also need to provide any relevant safety or handling instructions for the food. Once you have published the information, it will typically be visible to registered NGOs on the platform, who can then reserve the pickup time slot if they are interested in collecting the excess food.



NGO will coordinate with you based on your reserve time

To ensure that the excess food will be used safely and responsibly by the NGO, you may want to consider taking the following steps:
  • Verify the credentials of the NGO: Make sure that the NGO is legitimate and has the necessary licenses and certifications to handle and distribute food safely.
  • Communicate with the NGO: Ask the NGO about its food handling and distribution practices, and ask for any relevant documentation or certifications.
  • Use a trusted platform: If you are using a platform to connect with NGOs, make sure that the platform has processes in place to verify the credentials of its registered NGOs.
  • Implement food safety protocols: Follow any food safety protocols that are in place at your restaurant, and provide any necessary handling or storage instructions to the NGO.
  • Monitor the use of the excess food: If possible, try to get feedback from the NGO or the individuals who receive the food about its quality and use. This can help you to ensure that the food is being used safely and responsibly.

You can use our contact us page.